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TWIBS: What Would You Do With $134???
Conservatives spent more than $120 MILLION dollars astroturfing anti-trans hatred for this election cycle, which begs the question… what would trans people do if they had that cash?
TWIBS: Strange Things Are Happening in Redlands, CA
Redlands is the latest Southern California town to fall victim to right-wing efforts to turn the historically blue state red… but these bad actors are having a hard time keeping their neuroses in check!
Partners for Ethical Care Doesn’t Know What Causes Dysphoria
An anti-trans organization has filed a brief in an important Supreme Court case about gender-affirming care for trans youth, suggesting that gender dysphoria can be caused by… Lyme disease?
LGB Alliance Conference Disrupted by Crickids
Activist organization Trans Kids Deserve Better have topped their previous sit-in by disrupting an anti-trans activist conference with… six thousand crickets!
Anti-Trans Orgs Seeking List of Trans Athletes
UK-based anti-trans activist organizations For Women Scotland Sport and Sex Matters are asking on social media for reports on any trans athletes or teams who might support trans athletes, for presumably normal reasons!
Texas AG Paxton Says No More Amended Licenses
A memo distributed internally at the Texas Department of Public safety now disallows Texans from using court orders or amended birth certificates to have the gender marker on their license changed. The DPS says the Attorney General’s office is to blame, and what’s more, Attorney General Ken Paxton seems dead set on creating a list of trans Texans again… again. Again.
TWIBS: Rowling “Cures” Trans Kids
She’s back, baby! JK Rowling brings us yet another stunningly braindead take on trans people. Thankfully, this one’s comically easy to disprove… but who, exactly, is Jo getting her rancid info from?
Cass Speaks at Secretive Conference
Dr. Hilary Cass is at it again! Again… again… again… and this time a hero got her on tape telling a bunch of weird lies at a cozy little transphobic presentation!
TWIBS: Labour Landslide Leaves Trans Folks Losing
Keir Starmer and Labour have won in the UK’s first general election since 2020, hooray! The good guys are in power again! Oh wait… I’m being told Keir Starmer and Labour may not be the good guys, and don’t actually care about trans people at all!
Hilary Cass Repeats Transphobic Talking Points, Again
Ding ding! Round… uh, I lost count, actually. Dr. Hilary Cass, author of the reviled Cass Report, has yet again found herself saying a bunch of silly things and running back all the classic anti-trans activist arguments for a journalist. What fun!
Kellie-Jay Keen Says Disgust Reflex Good
Known anti-feminist, anti-trans activist Kellie-Jay Keen (or perhaps Posie Parker?) has come out in support of… “rejecting” things that are “gross”? What does Keen think is gross? And what sort of rejection does she have in mind?
TWIBS: Cass Says Porn Makes You Trans
Bloviating good-for-nothing unqualified annoyance Dr. Hilary Cass confidently declares exposure to porn might be making trans boys trans! As usual, she prefers theories without even a shred of evidence.
Ben Ryan Rages at Me on Twitter
Instead of looking into the glut of research that doesn’t fit his confirmation bias, Ben Ryan is angrily asserting that he’s an industry pro after I dared to question his venerated Washington Post piece.
Behind the Curl
Surf corporation Rip Curl made a documentary ad featuring the only known trans woman in pro-surfing. Then they took it down.
This Week in Barrel Scraping: Riley Gaines Doesn’t Know Shark
The fomer fifth-place college swimmer turned activist this shark was about her.
WHO Transgender Health Committee Politicized by Anti-Trans Activists Seeking to Derail New Guidelines
On social media and in the right-wing press, a WHO committee to set guidelines for gender-affirming care is being targeted by anti-transgender activist groups.
Extreme Views of Detransitioner Prisha Mosley Profiled in Washington Post
Mosely advocates for outlawing social and medical transition for all people, at any age… but self-identifies as a moderate.
TWIBS: This Navy Seal Wears Many Hats! (One is Transphobia!)
“Ben Richards” AKA Bryce Henson is a dad, a far right activist, a friend of the Proud Boys, and a Navy Seal. Is there anything he can’t do?
TWIBS: Riley Gaines’ Special Day (X/X) Ruined by Incompetence of Riley Gaines
The former fifth place swimmer is in a dispute with UPenn after failing to file paperwork in time to reserve a room for her talk on how icky trans women are.
“Transgenderism” and the Anatomy of a Moral Panic
How the concept of “transgenderism” has been used in ads to target conservatives with a mindset that trans people are something less than human.