Daily coverage of anti-trans propaganda
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Biden Condemns Trans Healthcare Bans in Pride Declaration
President Biden’s official Pride statement said bans on trans youth healthcare are “attack our most basic values and freedoms as Americans.” We should give him more credit for it.
Christian Nationalists Claim Ownership of Easter’s Month of Sundays
Wall-to-wall coverage of the convergence of Trans Day of Visibility sends an authoritarian message that dissenters to Christian nationalist totalitarianism will not be tolerated.
Misinformation Spreading Around Identity of Lakewood Shooter (Not Trans!)
Right wing media ran with the false narrative that a church shooter was trans. The right’s fringes aren’t giving up on it now that we know it’s false.
Lawsuit Alleges Trans Inclusion Jeopardizes Sorority’s Title IX Exemption
The fight over whether Kappa Kappa Gamma can include trans women is getting uglier.
Racist, Nazi Trans Woman Arrested After Trans Facebook Group Raised Alarms
Right-wing media have obscured the role of an online transgender support group in alerting authorities to her disturbing, violent posts. Similar material went unreported on Twitter.
Under Investigation For Exposing Medical Records of Trans Youth in Texas, a Doctor Cries Victim
Eithan Haim, who released private patient records to a right wing think tank claims that ideological capture of mainstream medical organizations began with efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Can the History of Lobotomy Tell Us Anything About Transgender Care?
Lobotomy became popular because it made psychiatric patients more pliable and easier to control.
More Than Sports: Martina Navratilova Hardens Position Against Trans Women
The former tennis champion was once targeted for her lesbian identity. Now she embraces a politics of exclusion and transmisogyny that goes way beyond sports.
The Daily Wire Unveils Men Dressed as Women, the Movie
“Lady Ballers” was filmed this summer, back when transgender people were still the all-consuming obsession of the right.
Pronouns for Elagabalus
Right-wing media reject attempts to celebrate the queerness in stories about an ancient Roman emperor who presented as a woman.
IL: High School Diversity Club Struggled With Students Attending to Disrupt
A conservative activist group found evidence of the toll the constant politicization of schools and demonization of trans students has taken.
Moral Panic Losing Steam? TX Trans Boy to Resume Role in Oklahoma!
In North Texas, Max Hightower will resume his role in the school’s production of Oklahoma! Meanwhile, the Daily Caller reports Disney is allowing janitorial staff to including pronouns on their nametags.
Anti-Trans Podcaster Nurse in Prolonged Fight Over Right to Harass Trans Women Online
One thing is clear: Amy Hamm is a huge jerk online.
Daily Wire Reports Matt Walsh (NOT THAT ONE) Joins Dancing With the Stars
A different Matt Walsh, one who isn’t famous for being an anti-trans loon, will appear in the next season of the long-running celebrity dance show.
WI: Activist Law Firm Sues Over Teacher’s Transition Announcement
A school district in Wisconsin is once again being sued by WILL, after repeatedly being the target of national attention by conservatives.
Attacks on Adult Healthcare Commence in Earnest at Daily Wire
A Matt Walsh “investigation” into provider letters for gender confirmation surgeries didn’t demonstrate anything, except that attacks on transition-related medical care for adults are escalating.
“Transgenderism” and the Anatomy of a Moral Panic
How the concept of “transgenderism” has been used in ads to target conservatives with a mindset that trans people are something less than human.
You Can’t Eliminate Transgenderism
Conservatives say we don’t exist. Bro. We’re right here.
Pronoun Chocolate Bar Announced to Own the Libs
We know the point isn’t to be consistent but… pronouns?