Daily coverage of anti-trans propaganda
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IN: Christian Parents Ask SCOTUS to Rule on Custody of Struggling Transgender Child
Courts will not return a trans child who developed a severe eating disorder to her non-affirming conservative Christian parents.
Don’t You Dare Say Kevin Sorbo’s Children’s Book is Anti Trans
Sorbo’s bible-quoting book is not anti-trans because he says so!
Who Asked for This? Eunuchs in WPATH’s Standards of Care
Your questions about eunuchs, answered.
Federalist Author Calls for a New Satanic Panic
“Is our modern ‘gender cult’ rooted in Satanism?” No, of course not, but a right wing writer wants you to connect the two ideas nevertheless.
Centering Parental “Anguish” Harms Trans Kids
Christian media is encouraging parents to make their children’s trans identity about themselves at a time when their kids most need parental support.
Why is the Christian Faith of a Detransitioned Navy Seal Being Downplayed in Right Wing Press?
In a two hour interview Chris Beck spoke about his Christian faith, white culture, CRT, wokism, his history of opiate abuse, and his desire to save kids from being transgender.
Catholic Archbishop Bemoans Impact of Club Q Shooting on Catholicism’s Reputation
Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila of Denver complained that religious communities are being unfairly targeted by people seeking to understand anti-LGBTQ+ hate in the wake of a mass shooting.
American Girl Doll Company Accused of “Trans”-ing Youth
Some right wing writers are afraid that a book for girls about loving your body, which includes some trans inclusive content, will turn their children trans.
Christian Writer Warns Trans Men are the Real Frankenstein’s Monster
A Christian writer is having a normal one.
Armed Antifa Members Guard Texas Storytime
Based on previous writing in the Christian Post one might expect them to be in favor of armed guards protecting people from violence, but this time it’s about protecting the lives of queer people.
The Right Wing Loves the NYT Now
Outlets that are known for their innaccuracy and extremism on trans issues are absolutely gaga over the NYT article on puberty blockers.
This Right Wing Media Myth Props Up Transphobia
There’s a key right wing myth that prevents their audience from recognizing the truth and leads to further radicalization.
OK, But ARE Hormones Just Like Candy, Really?
A UK-based Christian pressure group is real worried about Planned Parenthood’s transgender services, and is using one of the worlds dumbest similies.
This Debunking From Christian Media Still Seems a Little Bunked…
What’s fact and what’s fiction in a “Telling Myth From Reality” style article about Jon Stewart’s viral moment? We ran some numbers.
FL: County Employee Fired for Christian Views? Anything’s Possible.
A religious news outlet reports a man was fired for his Christian views. We have some questions.
Conservatives are Lying About Science. Are They Lying About the Bible Too?
A conservative columnist thinks that all mammals are either male or female, with nothing in between. We found something out about dogs that is going to shake him to his core.
MI: Fired PA Simply Refused to Treat Patients With Respect
Christian media is covering a physician assistant who alleges that she was fired “simply” for refusing to treat transgender patients with common decency on the job.