Daily coverage of anti-trans propaganda
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Pretense of Trans-Only Athletic Category Laid Bare
There aren’t enough trans people in sports to support a separate category, and never were,
The Reason Gender-Affirming Care is Controversial is Base Prejudice
Viewed as medicine, the treatments are remarkable only in their ability to give hope to patients with no other evidence-based treatment.
Anthropology Rejects Attempt to Inject Culture Warring into Major Conference
Conservatives are outraged that a transparent attempt to troll a major anthropological conference was rejected, and the mainstream media is helping to cover up the details of what was planned.
Bomb Threats Follow Conservative Outrage Over Middle School Fight Video
A video depicting one student assaulting another in the hallway of Hazelbrook Middle School in Tualatin, OR went viral among anti-trans conservative influencers due to speculation, presented as fact, that the assailant was a trans girl.
This Week in Barrel Scraping: What Is a Woman? IDK, You Tell Me, Joel.
The Daily Caller isn’t even trying with these gotcha videos lately.
Vivek Ramaswamy Turns Stigma Against Mental Illness On Trans Youth
Being transgender is not a mental disorder, but there are deeper implications for those who want to improve mental health treatment in this country.
Don’t You Dare Say Kevin Sorbo’s Children’s Book is Anti Trans
Sorbo’s bible-quoting book is not anti-trans because he says so!
Dax Shepard Podcast Ep Reveals How Uninformed Even Many Trans Allies Are
On an episode of Armchair Expert podcast, Jonathan Van Ness wound up defending trans youth as Shepard revealed the way anti-trans talking points had impacted his thinking.
QAnon Believer Who Threatened Congresswoman Thought He Was Saving the World
Michael David Fox of New Mexico thought the congresswoman was secretly transgender and threatened to shoot her.
Andrew Bailey Sues Southampton Youth Clinic, Claims Substandard Care
The Missouri Attorney General is countersuing a youth gender clinic which has challenged the ban on gender-affirming care in court, alleging they did not provide comprehensive psychological assessments.
This Week in Barrel Scraping: One Trans Girl is So Popular it’s National News
In Missouri, a transgender girl was crowned homecoming queen at Oak Park High School and the right-wing media has been crying bitter tears ever since.
Conservatives In Shock Over List of Drug Side Effects
A public records request from the University of Utah produced forms describing the risks and benefits of gender-affirming care in detail. For the far right, that’s a scandal.
Transition Isn’t Like Drinking You Absolute Morons
South Dakota Governor Doug Berman made the absurd claim that being diagnosed by a doctor with gender dysphoria and accessing the sole evidence-based treatment for that condition is similar to drinking alcohol in a bar.
In England, Lengthy Waits for Gender-Affirming Care Led to Tragedy
The mainstream press in the United States has been quick to tout England’s removal of care from vulnerable youth, but the dire consequences don’t fit the narrative.
Forced Outing Becomes Law in Kansas
Trans people in Kansas have no options for changing their documents to reflect the gender they’re living as, endangering them and making normal life impossible.
Souped Woman Sued By Soup Co.
The soup just keeps coming for Posie Parker aka Kellie-Jay Keen aka Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull.
The Right is Desperate to Keep Lies About Artemis Langford Afloat
With the case dismissed and the story falling out of the news cycle cries of censorship seek to insert it back in.
Daily Wire Reports Matt Walsh (NOT THAT ONE) Joins Dancing With the Stars
A different Matt Walsh, one who isn’t famous for being an anti-trans loon, will appear in the next season of the long-running celebrity dance show.
Did Ronald Reagan’s Son Just Write the Dumbest Op-Ed Ever?
Are protections for trans youth like communism? Is California on the verge of fascism? How stupid are these people?
NYT Takes Victory Lap After MO Clinic Closure
The paper, which amplified dubious allegations from a former clinic staff member despite catching the staffer in a lie, has consistently exaggerated the extent of the medical questions around gender-affirming care for youth.