Daily coverage of anti-trans propaganda
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Canadian Shop Teacher Wears Massive Prosthetic Breasts
This is a weird one but we’ll help you through…
Repent Transphobes for Transgender Jesus is Risen!
A sermon at Cambridge University in the UK which suggested Jesus Christ was trans has got Fox News in the US extremely upset.
TX: Ken Paxton Sought a List of Trans People in the State
It’s hard think of a benign reason why the anti-trans Texas AG would need a list of ordinary people who’d recieved an updated gender marker on their drivers’ license.
Why is the Christian Faith of a Detransitioned Navy Seal Being Downplayed in Right Wing Press?
In a two hour interview Chris Beck spoke about his Christian faith, white culture, CRT, wokism, his history of opiate abuse, and his desire to save kids from being transgender.
Trans Man Harassed, Dehumanized in Right Wing Press After Sharing Surgical Horror Story
A trans man’s story of post-surgical horror went viral. Then the right wing media found out.
Transphobes Disturbed by Cambridge Dictionary Updating Definition of “Woman”
A writer for the National Review bemoans the addition of a second definition, one that includes trans women, to the entry for the word.
“Exploratory” Therapy and the Myth of Talk Therapy’s Harmlessness
Some anti-trans activists promote talk therapy as the first or best treatment for gender dysphoria. In addition to not being evidence based, this approach relies on a common misunderstanding of talk therapy as benign and harmless.
Catholic Archbishop Bemoans Impact of Club Q Shooting on Catholicism’s Reputation
Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila of Denver complained that religious communities are being unfairly targeted by people seeking to understand anti-LGBTQ+ hate in the wake of a mass shooting.
Anti-Trans Propagandist Abigail Shrier Among “Team” Given Access to Twitter Data by Billionaire
Shrier, along with Bari Weiss and Matt Taibbi, have been given access to a large amount of data on Twitter’s past moderation decisions by Elon Musk. The three share at least one ideological belief in common, anti-trans bias.
UPDATE: Club Q Shooter’s Lawyers Cease Using They/Them Pronouns
Circumstantial evidence suggests the Colorado Springs murderer is not, in fact, nonbinary.
Finding Weird Criminals Among Ideological Opponents is Lazy Journalism
Some transphobes commit crimes. Some trans people commit crimes. It’s the law of large numbers, people!
American Girl Doll Company Accused of “Trans”-ing Youth
Some right wing writers are afraid that a book for girls about loving your body, which includes some trans inclusive content, will turn their children trans.
Abuse Escalated as Catholic College Refused Help to Queer Student
When their roommate began abusing them with slurs and hate, a Notre Dame student’s pleas were ignored. The Catholic Church’s hard line on gender and sexuality are responsible.
UPDATE: Club Q Shooter Charged With Hate Crimes
Prosecutors are moving ahead with hate crimes for the 22-year-old accused of murdering 5 and people in an LGBTQ+ nightclub in Colorado shortly before Thanksgiving.
Is the NYT an Anti-Trans Paper?
People are asking questions, and some of those questions are about the paper of record’s increasingly clear anti-trans bias.
A Parent Speaks Out After Armed Fascists Force School Drag Event’s Cancelation
The father of two children who attended Red Oak Community School spoke with us about the school and its values, and the impact of the terrorism that resulted in the cancelation of the Holi-Drag Storytime event.
The Myth of a Well-Funded Trans Lobby
One common belief held by many transphobes is that there’s a lot of money supporting trans rights, but the numbers say somthing completely different.
Armed Fascist Group Terrorizes Church, Shuts Down Youth Storytime
A Unitarian Universalist church in Colombus Ohio cancelled a Drag Queen Story Hour for participants’ safety, after armed members of the Proud Boys showed up, and police did not.
Censorship Grows on Ground Prepared by the “Free Speech” Right
A Kansas library under threat from conservative lawmakers serves as one of many examples of how open government censorship has grown after years of bad-faith defenses of free speech.
The Federalist’s Conversion Therapy for Beginners Course
An anonymous essay suggests cutting adolescents off from peers, online and off, is a proportionate response to seeing a few rainbows on their phone case.