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GA Runoff Yet Another Referendum on Trans People
Bashing trans girls in sports will be Hershel Walker’s main argument in the GA runoff election. What does this mean for 2024?
Christian Writer Warns Trans Men are the Real Frankenstein’s Monster
A Christian writer is having a normal one.
TN: Trans Adults Lose Healthcare Access
At least one hospital in Tennessee is cancelling scheduled surgeries for transgender patients, one example of how the consequences of anti-trans hate are already here.
DOE Official Allegedly Steals Suitcase
There’s something about this particular official that the right wing press has decided to focus on, and it’s not their shoe size or the breed of dog they own or when they last had a haircut.
Armed Antifa Members Guard Texas Storytime
Based on previous writing in the Christian Post one might expect them to be in favor of armed guards protecting people from violence, but this time it’s about protecting the lives of queer people.
A Tampon Machine in the Men’s Room
A far right cable news channel- not the one you think!- is up at arms over the men’s room facilities in Ireland’s parliament building.
Ouroboros: Evan Urquhart Becomes the Anti-Trans Propagandists’ Muse
It’s a fair cop, guv. The National Review reports on the ban of Mike Pesca and Parker Molloy from
The False Analogy Between Anorexia and Gender Dysphoria
An oft-used gotcha from the anti-trans side asks if you’d give an anorexic liposuction. The question misunderstands gender dysphoria, but it misunderstands anorexia and mental illness even more.
A Cautious Mainstream Trans Organization Comes Through
WPATH is often criticized by trans people for its medicalized, cautious approach to setting standards for gender affirming care, but their response to the new conversion-therapy tinged NHS guidelines is careful, methodical, scientifically sound, and an absolute banger.
WPATH Experts Rebuke NYT on Puberty Blockers
The body resposible for setting guidelines for gender affirming care labeled the NYT piece “misinformation.”
The Right is Missing their Last Chance to Stop the Violent Rhetoric
Some on the right are barely masking their support for the slaughter of innocents at Club Q. The rest deny there’s any problem with their extreme rhetoric at all.
A Murderer’s Identity
Lawyers for Anderson Lee Aldrich have stated that the shooter, who left 5 dead in Club Q earlier this week, is nonbinary. The anti-trans propaganda machine has already declared the shooting cannot be a hate crime. Was this the killer’s intent?
Business as Usual in Right Wing Media After the Club Q Massacre
The anti-trans moral panic has a body count, but you’d never know it if you confine yourself to right wing outlets.
The Colorodo Springs Massacre Was a Hate Crime
While responsibility for the murders falls only on the murderer, the responsibility for the terror trans people are feeling is not because of him alone. The responsibility for that climate falls on the GOP, and the right wing media.
The Inevitable Result of Hate is Violence
We still don’t have many details about the Club Q shooting in Colorado. One thing we do know is that hatred and scapegoating of a minority inevitably leads to stochastic violence against that minority.
SF: Basic Income for Poor Trans People… in Right Wing Media?
Is this even anti-trans propaganda?
Extremists Become Heroes in Right Wing News
Kellie-Jay Keen, who has been repeatedly harassed trans women, is hailed by the right wing outlet, while trans protesters are portrayed as dangerous.
The Right Wing Loves the NYT Now
Outlets that are known for their innaccuracy and extremism on trans issues are absolutely gaga over the NYT article on puberty blockers.
Timeline: Chloe Cole Sues Docs
A detransitioned woman turned anti-trans activist, Chloe Cole, is suing the doctors who provider her with gender affirming care for medical malpractice. Our timeline is here.