Terrible Fact Free Articles Now Quote the New York Times

What can we say but fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

by Evan Urquhart

An absolutely bog standard article appeared in the Washington Examiner today. Here’s the gist: Yadda yadda yadda tomboys used to be accepted but now they’re being transed, yadda yadda yadda gender ideology, repent, detransition, etc. It’s a depressingly slim and lazy piece of writing that would normally be too similar to other pieces we’ve previously covered to bother with, except it quotes the New York Times biased and misleading article about puberty blockers.

An in-depth report from the New York Times, for example, found that puberty blockers can damage the development of children's bones and brains permanently.

(the quote here comes from the Times, not the Examiner)

The Times piece will have a long tail, and we can’t possibly cover all of the many, many times it will be quoted from with unearned authoritaty. However, this one feels instructive because, apart from this reference to the Times and snatching a quote from the Times’ reporting, there’s no evidence… for anything… in the entire piece. There’s even a spot that claims multiple studies show that children desist, and no link or reference whatsoever is given that would allow the reader to find these studies or understand what, if anything, the writer based this on.

If there really were multiple studies showing this, surely even a reporter from the Washington Examiner could muster up a simple link. But the one link in this paragraph is to the Washington Examiner’s own tag for “gender ideology.” There are studies, no evidence, just some rewarmed reporting from an equally biased, though slightly more substantive, article which appeared earlier the same week, in the New York Times.


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