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Trans Data Library
IOC Backs Trans Competitors When it Doesn’t Count
The International Olympic Committee has released an advisory update to their media guidelines for coverage of the Olympics by journalists, specifically regarding the sort of language journalists use to discuss trans competitors. But considering trans competitors are few and far between thanks to the IOC’s hands off approach to participation rules and multiple de facto bans on trans competitors, their words ring hollow.
Cis Mom Harassed by Transphobes After Winning Half-Marathon
The Great West Race that Anna Harold won bans trans women from competing.
New World Sailing Guidelines Ban Most Trans Women
New participation guidelines published by World Sailing mirror de facto bans on trans women participating in competitive sailing, a move sure to harm cisgender competitors and the sport as a whole.
TWIBS: Jillian Michaels Hates Science!
Award-winning quack and lawsuit queen Jillian Michaels, former “The Biggest Loser” fat people torturer, has thrown in her lot with the anti-trans activists! But it turns out she’s working from faulty knowledge…
TWIBS: Come Hell or High Water I Will Find Trans Joy
Forget the Cass Review for five minutes! I don’t care how bleak the week is, I’ll find something we can all be happy about.
UT: Cisgender Student Under Police Protection as Trans Panic Rages On
Another cisgender girl in Utah has been accused of being transgender, leading to fears for her safety in the midst of an ongoing moral panic over transgender participation in sports.
$16,500 Fine Imposed On Florida School Where Trans Girl Played Volleyball
A Florida county where school officials were suspended after a trans girl was found to have played volleyball is facing a heavy fine and choosing not to dispute the constitutionality of banning trans girls from participation.
The BBC Found One (1) Trans Woman Impacted by Trans Ban in Chess
Yosha Iglesias is the only trans woman currently playing competitive chess.
FL Student Who Prompted Principal’s Suspension, Student Walkouts Has Lived as a Girl Since 2nd Grade
The transgender volleyball player at the heart of staff suspensions and student protests in Broward County Florida never experienced a testosterone-fueled puberty and has no conceivable athletic advantage.
New York Post Made Cheating Central to Story on Lance Armstrong Trans Comments
Even a relentlessly hostile right wing tabloid couldn’t miss the hypocrisy of one of sports’ biggest cheaters attempting to weigh in on the fairness of trans women in athletics.
Glenique Frank’s Marathon Is Not News
A trans runner placed 6160th out of 20123 in the London Marathon. Headlines and critics emphasize the cis women who ran slower.
Anti-Trans Legislation as Propaganda
Dozens of laws targeting trans people have been introduced by Republians in legislatures all over the US. Many have near-identical wording.
Media Fetish for Bipartisanship Obscures Risks to Trans Youth
Sometimes a bias towards compromise and bipartisanship papers over the truth.
‘Anti-Woke’ Sports Blog Celebrates Exclusion of Trans Athletes in WV
A judge in West Virginia ruled against a trans girl who hoped to join other girls participating in school sports.