‘Anti-Woke’ Sports Blog Celebrates Exclusion of Trans Athletes in WV

A judge in West Virginia ruled against a trans girl who hoped to join other girls participating in school sports.

by Evan Urquhart

starting numbers 1 through 6 on an empty track

OutKick, a sports blog which bills itself as “anti-woke,” is celebrating a court case in West Virginia where a judge has ruled against a transgender girl who had hoped to compete with other girls on the middle school track team. Although the 11-year-old has taken puberty blockers, preventing her from gaining any potential benefits of testosterone during male puberty, the judge nonetheless relied on the benefits conferred by male puberty in his ruling that she could be barred from girls track.

People who oppose trans rights are often drawn to the question of transgender people in athletics because, though trans women have never actually dominated women’s sports, the likelihood that testosterone confers an athletic advantage makes the question trickier than most. Trans athletes at high levels largely agree that there’s a need to balance fairness with inclusion and support medical testing and research to ensure that trans people are competing on an equal basis. However right wing propaganda outlets such as OutKick seem to have no interest in delving into the nuance of the issue, preferring to paint it as black and white:

Excerpt from Outkick starting: It's not too often we hear about common sense preailing these days.
Evan Urquhart

Evan Urquhart is a journalist whose work has appeared in Slate, Vanity Fair, the Atlantic, and many other outlets. He’s also transgender, and the creator of Assigned Media.


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