Daily coverage of anti-trans propaganda
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Jonathan Haidt Promoted a Fringe Theory on Trans Youth
The author of “The Anxiety Generation” told PBS that young people are becoming trans due to peer contagion. There is no evidence that this is so.
Experts Agree: ROGD is Not Science, Has No Evidence in Support
From Marci Bowers to Thomas Steensma, experts say no evidence to support a social contagion or two distinct groups of patients with gender dysphoria with different needs has been found.
Defensive Dad Terrified After “Boy’s Boy” Asked About Gender
According to a TikTok rant by some dude, his 9-year-old may have been asked about his gender identity at a yearly checkup.
“A Huge Amount of ‘I Want Her to Choke on My Fat Trans Dick’”
A fairly boring, padded out episode of “The Witch Trials of J. K. Rowling” concludes that internet culture is mean, and 4chan and Tumblr are two sides of the same coin.
What Can an Actual Social Contagion Tell Us About Trans Youth?
The New York Times reported on teens who developed severe tics during the pandemic, after videos of teens with severe tics became popular on TikTok. Most teens recovered on their own.
Washington Examiner Columnist Claims Social Contagion, Provides No Evidence
The data from a county public school system were based on voluntary counseling surveys, which means that changes from year to year likely do not reflect changes in the population.