Defensive Dad Terrified After “Boy’s Boy” Asked About Gender

According to a TikTok rant by some dude, his 9-year-old may have been asked about his gender identity at a yearly checkup.

by Evan Urquhart

This fine Monday morning conservative media are enamored by a TikToker who was visibly distraught in a video where he claimed his wife told him their kid’s doctor asked a question about gender identity. The short video, which has been covered by Fox News and the Western Journal (and reprinted by IJR), seems to have gained attention after it was reposted by a minor Republican political figure, Texas State Delegate Sarah Fields, who shared the video on Twitter without linking back to the original.

The TikToker, whose handle is @JoToJaVin, claims that his wife brought the couple’s two children, 7 and 9, to the doctor for a physical to start the school year. The oldest was the first to see the doctor, who asked about his gender. It is unclear if the wife was present for the conversation or if the 9-year-old described the conversation to his mother. Either way the mother called to tell her husband, who was then so overcome with emotion he stopped on the side of the road to share the news about his child’s doctor’s appointment with TikTok.

“MY SON!” the dad wails, describing secondhand (or possibly thirdhand) how the child was asked if he was a boy, a girl, genderfluid, or nonbinary. “You have been dealing with him his whole life! He is clearly a BOY’S BOY.”

screenshot from Fox News

This boy’s boy can be seen in another video dancing and pretending to rap about pizza in his pajama bottoms.

Conservative reactions to this TikTok of an unhappy dad have played into ongoing fears by conservatives that merely knowing other gender identities are possible could have the power to not only transform their children’s genders but to transform their children into soldiers against Western Civilization. That’s right, one day a doctor asks your boy’s boy to describe his gender, the next he’s some sort of super soldier. Not the good kind of super soldier you want, but the bad kind of LGBTQ+ super soldier. This is all according to Jack Gist, writing for the Western Journal, who warns about queer vampires whose first step in training an army of LGBT Marxists is to ask 9-year-olds about their gender at a doctor’s appointment.

But these days you have to be careful. The LGBT vampires who used to stick to the cover of darkness have grown tolerant to sunlight.

screenshot from the Western Journal

“LGBT ideologues use doubt to create a fog of confusion,” Grist claims. “For them, the best recruits are the youngest. If you confuse kids about fundamental questions like, “What am I?” early enough, the recruit will be ripe in a few years and the ideologues can then tell them what they are — soldiers in the war against Western civilization.”

According to the New York Times, the Western Journal was blacklisted by Google and Apple News for “deceptive business practices” and for advocating “views overwhelmingly rejected by the scientific community.” The dodgy site’s content is back on Google News, however, due to an apparent partnership with another conservative website, the Independent Journalism Review. IJR reprinted the Western Journal article and its absurd conspiratorial claims.

Unlike the Western Journal, IJR bills itself as a legitimate news site. They have a seemingly robust corrections policy and an about page that claims to “elevate trusted voices on all sides so that you can be fully informed.” IJR co-hosted a Republican debate in 2016 and participated in a highly-publicized collaboration between big tech companies and established news sites to fight misinformation and signal quality journalism using “trust indicators”.

It’s unclear where reprinting conspiracy theories from the Western Journal fits in IJR’s editorial standards. Assigned reached out to IJR for comment and will update this article if there is any response from that outlet.


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