Daily coverage of anti-trans propaganda
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Anti-Trans Inroads in NJ School Boards Pose Threat to Student Protections
Board of education candidates elected with the backing of anti-trans groups have changed the political landscape in one New Jersey county, a new data analysis shows. Students are at risk.
Unwanted Endorsement Spotlights Anti-Queer Group on Fringes of New Jersey Politics
Running for school board, a candidate is mysteriously endorsed by an anti-LGBTQ+ group.
TWIBS: Strange Things Are Happening in Redlands, CA
Redlands is the latest Southern California town to fall victim to right-wing efforts to turn the historically blue state red… but these bad actors are having a hard time keeping their neuroses in check!
The New Normal on Trans Rights is Unacceptable
Anti-trans hate was a loser in 2022 and 2023. That’s good news for Democrats, but will it translate into better conditions for transgender people?
WI: Activist Law Firm Sues Over Teacher’s Transition Announcement
A school district in Wisconsin is once again being sued by WILL, after repeatedly being the target of national attention by conservatives.
FL: Rumors Surrounding Transgender Teacher Disrupts School Board
A misheard remark? A joke blown out of proportion? A middle school teacher who seriously threatened their own students back at work?
Texas Right-Winger Yelled About His “Hanging Junk” to Trans Teen
A school board member in Frisco, TX, accosted a 16-year-old trans boy at an education conference in San Antonio to tell him about his junk.
Anti-Trans Legislation as Propaganda
Dozens of laws targeting trans people have been introduced by Republians in legislatures all over the US. Many have near-identical wording.
Detransition Anecdotes Don’t Even Give Readers Half of the Story
When right wing and Christian media highlight sensational stories of detransition, they mislead their readers and contribute to the ongoing moral panic about transgender people.