Daily coverage of anti-trans propaganda
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TWIBS: Come Hell or High Water I Will Find Trans Joy
Forget the Cass Review for five minutes! I don’t care how bleak the week is, I’ll find something we can all be happy about.
Moral Panic Losing Steam? TX Trans Boy to Resume Role in Oklahoma!
In North Texas, Max Hightower will resume his role in the school’s production of Oklahoma! Meanwhile, the Daily Caller reports Disney is allowing janitorial staff to including pronouns on their nametags.
This Week in Barrel Scraping: You’re Telling Me a Pro Nouned This Game?
Basement dwellers everywhere are FURIOUS to have more customization options for their Starfield characters in game.
VA: Youngkin’s Anti-Trans School Rules Prohibit Uncommon Nicknames
The policies, which seek to make life more difficult for trans youth even when fully supported by their families, ask school personnel to determine whether a nickname is common before allowing it.
Pronoun Chocolate Bar Announced to Own the Libs
We know the point isn’t to be consistent but… pronouns?
MI: Fired PA Simply Refused to Treat Patients With Respect
Christian media is covering a physician assistant who alleges that she was fired “simply” for refusing to treat transgender patients with common decency on the job.