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Trans Data Library
We Need Less Panic from Trans Media & More Analysis
As legislation targeting the trans community increases, it is important to ground ourselves in the details of the laws that impact us.
Florida Crusade Against Trans Kids Devastates Family
Broward County Board of Education members appointed by Ron DeSantis to further his unhinged culture war against trans people has led to a woman losing her job at a high school and her trans daughter’s life being ruined.
Florida's Gender Affirming Care Ban To Go Into Effect Because of Two Judges
Once again, an extremely small number of people with no skin in the game make decisions negatively impacting countless people.
Federal Judge DESTROYS “Low Quality” Evidence Claims
When the evidence favoring a treatment is weakly positive and the evidence against the treatment is nonexistent, an evidence-based approach will favor the treatment.
TWIBS: New Freedom Summer Regulations
With Florida’s “Freedom Summer” just around the corner, Ron DeSantis and the Florida Department of Transportation have come up with some new rules curtailing the freedom of bridges all across Florida!
I’m a Trans Substitute Teacher in Florida. It’s Worse than You Think.
A substitute teacher in Florida writes about the ways anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and the moral panic over trans youth is negatively impacting teachers and students alike.
The Anti-Trans Crusade Was Supposed to Make DeSantis President. What Happens Now He’s Gone?
Gender-hysteria may be the most significant impact on American political life that Ron DeSantis ever has.
$16,500 Fine Imposed On Florida School Where Trans Girl Played Volleyball
A Florida county where school officials were suspended after a trans girl was found to have played volleyball is facing a heavy fine and choosing not to dispute the constitutionality of banning trans girls from participation.
FL Student Who Prompted Principal’s Suspension, Student Walkouts Has Lived as a Girl Since 2nd Grade
The transgender volleyball player at the heart of staff suspensions and student protests in Broward County Florida never experienced a testosterone-fueled puberty and has no conceivable athletic advantage.
Gainesville TV News Calls Bias-Motivated Shooting ‘Mistaken Identity’
The “mistake” was that the shooter didn’t realize the woman he approached at a bus stop was trans.
TN: Medical Center Releases Patient Data to Culture Warriors
Vanderbilt University Medical Center complied with a request for private medical data on trans patients, leaving patients and their families fearing political reprisals from a trans-obsessed Republican party.
Cultural Fiefdoms, Capital, and Corporate Pride
A Disney fan site mixed promoting transgender cupcakes with a view of the multinational corporation as a white knight for LGBTQ+ rights. What can we make of capitalism’s increasingly prominent place in the culture wars?
DeSantis Sucks Eggs
The Republican governor of Florida, who has made attacks on the trans and LGBTQ+ communty his signature issue, is doing terribly in national polls.
FL: Rumors Surrounding Transgender Teacher Disrupts School Board
A misheard remark? A joke blown out of proportion? A middle school teacher who seriously threatened their own students back at work?
FL Republicans Ban Trans People From Bathrooms, Apologize for Comments
Florida Republican State Representative Webster Barnaby, who voted with other Republicans to advance a bill banning trans people from public restrooms, apologized for calling trans people “demons.”
FL: Detransition Provides Cover for Attempt to Limit Adult Transition
The proposed legislation would force employers to pay for detransition for the rest of their former employees’ lives.
Your Outrage Over Hamline University is Helping Destroy Higher Ed
A false right wing narrative about campus culture and free speech is responsible for an environment where Ron DeSantis can seek to dismantle the honors college of Florida and turn it into a conservative Christian school.
HS Senior Used Boys Facilities for 3.5 Yrs, Now Expected to Pee With Girls
The absurd contradictions of bathroom bills stand exposed.