Daily coverage of anti-trans propaganda
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Daily Femail: Catholic Political Advocacy Organization Spreads Ads That Don't Make Sense
A Catholic advocacy group spreads anti-trans ads using misleading data.
Conservatives Freak Out At Cecilia Gentili’s Big Queer Funeral at St. Patrick's Cathedral
The cons were spitting mad that a trans woman’s life was celebrated.
PragerU’s Million Dollar Detransitioner Wants You to Convert to Catholicism
Daisy Strongin’s social media presence illuminates some aspects of her detransition lifestyle not mentioned in the anti-trans PragerU documentary.
Couple Sues MA, Asserts Religious Right to Reject LGBTQ+ Foster Youth
Do Catholics have the right to foster children, even if the best interests of the child would not be served?
Catholic Hospitals May Forcibly Detransition Patients
No trans person should seek treatment for any condition at a Catholic hospital.
Catholic Writer Unhappy That Ted Cruz Opposes Death for Gay Ugandans
A Catholic publication published an angry screed condemning Pride month, rainbows, and Ted Cruz’s opposition to a harsh Ugandan law that imposes life imprisonment or death on men found to have had sex with other men.
Religious Extremist Paul Hruz Wraps His Catholicism in Pseudoscience
The Catholic physician and proponent of conversion therapy once told the mother of a trans child “some children are born in this world to suffer and die.”
Right Dismayed by Court Ruling Against Catholic Discrimination
Right wing media are aghast that a Catholic hospital in Maryland is expected to follow laws against discrimination.
Catholic Archbishop Bemoans Impact of Club Q Shooting on Catholicism’s Reputation
Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila of Denver complained that religious communities are being unfairly targeted by people seeking to understand anti-LGBTQ+ hate in the wake of a mass shooting.
Abuse Escalated as Catholic College Refused Help to Queer Student
When their roommate began abusing them with slurs and hate, a Notre Dame student’s pleas were ignored. The Catholic Church’s hard line on gender and sexuality are responsible.
Psst… Gays: The Catholics are Really Gunning For You
A post in Catholic media has a bit to say about trans people, and a whole lot to say about the “grave depravity” of homosexuality.
VA: Catholic Media Endorses Anti-Nickname Policy
We poke some harmless fun at Catholic media while listing our many colorfully named Catholic relatives.
Catholic Media Lies About Biden’s Policies on Transgender Surgeries
Catholic media has a particularly nasty anti-trans bias, trafficking in outright falshoods. And there’s a reason for all the lies: They’re covering up a nasty secret.