Psst… Gays: The Catholics are Really Gunning For You

A post in Catholic media has a bit to say about trans people, but a whole lot to say about the “grave depravity” of homosexuality.

by Evan Urquhart

an ominously lit Catholic procession

Catholic Media is A LOT. Their writers go all in with their transphobia, and they rarely let up once they’ve made trans people their target. That’s why it was so interesting to note this piece by William H. Dempsey, for The Catholic Thing, an outlet which bills itself as “a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary.”

Entitled “Gender Ideology Comes to Notre Dame,” the essay starts out condemning the inclusion of trans-friendly language in a video orienting new students entering the University of Notre Dame, a private Catholic university in Indiana. It does not, however, stay long on that topic. A bit before the halfway mark it takes a turn that we found notable.

What does the Catholic church teach about homosexuality, you may be wondering? The author next makes a particularly Catholic move, where they state the most hateful bullshit imaginable, but dress it up in serious-sounding language about church doctrine.

The essay goes on to rail against the decision at Notre Dame to recognize an affinity group (an official club) for LGBTQ+ alumni, and for allowing it to be headed by a gay man who is also legally married.

Yesterday, we wrote about the need for gays and lesbians who are more assimilationalist minded to wake up to the reality that the right and far right aren’t offering any compromises. This piece is only one of countless more examples. While trans people are often the ones scapegoated the most openly, in truth there’s not a lot more tolerance for respectable gay and lesbian marriages than there is for any other letter in the acronym, and no tolerance at all in Catholic circles.

Evan Urquhart

Evan Urquhart is a journalist whose work has appeared in Slate, Vanity Fair, the Atlantic, and many other outlets. He’s also transgender, and the creator of Assigned Media.


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