VT: Meet Biological Blake (She’s Female, by the Way)

Highschool volleyball player Blake Allen with text saying "Biological female Blake Allen, a member of the volleyball team, says she was encouraged by her mother to speak out while noting she doesn't want a biological man changing with her."

via Joe Kinsey, writing for OutKick, an “anti-woke” right wing sports blog.

From a sports news blog, an overwrought piece about a high school in Vermont which is trying to balance inclusion of transgender athletes with privacy concerns by providing private spaces for girls who feel uncomfortable changing in a more traditional open-setting locker room.

The writing stands out, though, for its painstaking, meticulous accuracy about the biology of all those involved. There is absolutely no risk of a reader experiencing any confusion about the genitals of the high school students in this story, because the writer uses the phrases “biological female” and biological male” 10 seperate times in the 362 word piece (12 times if you count the 2 instances in the photo caption).

Here at Assigned, we would never poke fun at a person’s name for being more typically associated with the opposite sex. However, one can’t help but wonder if cisgender volleyball player Blake Allen’s name played any role in the numerous repetitions of “biological female” we found.


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