Daily coverage of anti-trans propaganda
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Stay With Us, a Listicle
Whether it’s brown paper packages tied up with string, making art, saying fuck you to the haters, or video games, finding a reason to stick around can be as easy as listing a few of your favorite things.
Stay With Us
Whether they’re inspiring us through their advocacy, their creativity, or their humor, these essays by prominent trans writers give us heart.
How to Stay With Us Using Science
In times of crisis, there are research backed methods to help you get through it.
I Will Survive
In the face of this high stakes election, Jay Edidin shares why he chooses to survive.
Journal Club: The Health Impacts of Anti-Trans Legislation
A 2024 paper explores the mental health impacts of anti-trans legislation on trans people.
Nex Benedict’s Full Autopsy Results Confirm it Points to Suicide
According to reporting by the Advocate, the levels of diphenhydramine found were compatible with suicide.
Daily Caller, Reduxx Inject Accusations of “Kidnapping” Into Tricky Child Welfare Case
A trans boy struggled with suicidal thoughts in an non-affirming family. Right-wing media wants you to be outraged about what happened next.
F. L. “Bubba” Copeland, Our Sibling Who Never Was
A Baptist pastor and small town mayor in Alabama was hounded into suicide by a right wing news site who discovered a secret online persona as a trans woman.
News of Youth Suicides Devastate the Trans Community. Is Anyone Listening?
Viral stories of tragedy are what the cis mainstream wants. For the trans community these stories take a deep emotional toll, and it’s not clear if they will have a broader impact.
Helen Joyce Misquotes Bible, Suggests Rachel Levine Kill Herself
In an appearance on Megyn Kelly’s podcast, the British anti-trans campaigner used a mangled Bible quote to say a US official should kill herself. The quote is increasingly used by extremists and carries an implied threat of violence.
Daily Caller Misrepresents Denmark Findings on Suicide Rates
A Denmark study showed that as the country grew more tolerant and more trans people came forward, suicides rates among trans people decreased.
Talk About Anti-Trans Violence More, Trans Suicide Less
The decision to repeatedly center suicide in discussions about trans lives is a harmful one. Let’s talk about the causes of those deaths instead.