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Evan Urquhart Evan Urquhart

A Murderer’s Identity

Lawyers for Anderson Lee Aldrich have stated that the shooter, who left 5 dead in Club Q earlier this week, is nonbinary. The anti-trans propaganda machine has already declared the shooting cannot be a hate crime. Was this the killer’s intent?

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Evan Urquhart Evan Urquhart

The Colorodo Springs Massacre Was a Hate Crime

While responsibility for the murders falls only on the murderer, the responsibility for the terror trans people are feeling is not because of him alone. The responsibility for that climate falls on the GOP, and the right wing media.

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Evan Urquhart Evan Urquhart

The Inevitable Result of Hate is Violence

We still don’t have many details about the Club Q shooting in Colorado. One thing we do know is that hatred and scapegoating of a minority inevitably leads to stochastic violence against that minority.

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