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Trans Data Library
Two Judges Block Executive Order Banning GAC
Two federal judges have issued temporary national blocks on Trump’s executive order that would ban gender-affirming care for Americans under 19.
TWIBS: Trump Says Trans Aliens Get Free Surgery
During Tuesday’s presidential debate, Donald Trump suggested Kamala Harris wants undocumented immigrants to receive free “transgender surgery” while being detained or imprisoned, a bogus claim with a very weird source.
Updated Study Proves Puberty Blockers Are Still Fine
A study update about puberty blockers commissioned by the New South Wales government proves what we’ve all been saying for ages: Puberty blockers are “safe, effective and reversible.” Eat your heart out, Ben Ryan!
Speaking to a Friendly Journalist, Finland’s Kaltiala Largely Confirms Assigned Media’s Reporting
Kaltiala answers young people’s critiques: An update to our previous reporting on gender affirming care in Finland.
WPATH and USPATH Trash Talk the Cass Review
A response highlighted the lack of expertise involved in the Cass Review, the lack of evidence for many of the claims, and the lack of any new information that might change the picture of gender-affirming care.
The Questions in Gender-Affirming Medicine Aren’t What You Think
We asked providers and researchers what the open questions in gender-affirming medicine were. Their answers might surprise you.
The Cass Review Buried Trans Youth Perspectives
We got into the weeds on the Cass Review website to surface the youth perspectives ignored by a Report that will further limit options for gender dysphoric youth in England.
Methods Change Raises New Questions of Bias in Cass Review
Questions surround changes to the methodology of several systematic reviews of gender-affirming treatments for minors by York University.
In Defense of the Medical Model for Trans Healthcare
Andrea Long Chu thinks libertarianism will save the trans community. That’s bonkers.
The Real Scandal in Trans Youth Healthcare
Activists are claiming that providing healthcare to transgender youth is a major medical scandal. The real scandal is that some journalists may be buying it.
What’s in the Cass Report?
The final report of the Cass Review of gender-affirming care for youth is being taken as vindication from anti-trans activists.
Helen Lewis’ Bait and Switch
Research shows that puberty blockers and testosterone therapy do not seem to impact fertility, bone density, or sexual function for trans boys. The Atlantic’s moral panic depends on you not knowing that.
Pamela Paul Shows NYT Opinion’s Lack of Accountability to the Truth
Will readers understand that Pamela Paul’s lengthy opinions on gender-affirming care don’t represent reporting, or the truth?
Interview: Mara Silvers on Covering a Child Welfare Story That Became Far-Right Outrage Fodder
An interview with Mara Silvers of the Montana Free Press.
GOP Lawmakers Reveal Their “Endgame”: Banning All Transition
A planned crackdown on trans people of all ages would solidify the GOP’s attempt to redefine medical harms as whatever they want it to mean.
Your Bad Faith Questions About Gender Identity, Answered!
A letter to the editor for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch from an anti-trans crank posed what the writer seems to have thought were tough gotcha questions. We’re answering them!
The Anti-Trans Crusade Was Supposed to Make DeSantis President. What Happens Now He’s Gone?
Gender-hysteria may be the most significant impact on American political life that Ron DeSantis ever has.
Dr. Phil Teams Up With Christian Media to Promote Leaker Who Exposed Trans Children’s Private Health Records
Eithan Haim leaked hospital records for trans children to a right-wing think tank while he was a resident at Texas Children’s Hospital, and is the subject of a criminal investigation. Dr. Phil plans to platform his claims of persecution.
The Daily Caller Paints Discussion of the Risks and Benefits of Trans Treatment as a Scandal
Doctors serving the trans community are damned if they do, damned if they don’t as the normal process of weighing the risks and benefits of a procedure are twisted by the far right.