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Labour Proves Disastrous for Trans Community
Looks like that landslide Labour win won’t be a return to sanity for trans folks in the UK. New Health Secretary Wes Streeting has declared open war on the trans community by expressing an interest in permanently banning private care puberty blocker prescriptions thanks to the bogus Cass Report.
TWIBS: Labour Landslide Leaves Trans Folks Losing
Keir Starmer and Labour have won in the UK’s first general election since 2020, hooray! The good guys are in power again! Oh wait… I’m being told Keir Starmer and Labour may not be the good guys, and don’t actually care about trans people at all!
Cis Mom Harassed by Transphobes After Winning Half-Marathon
The Great West Race that Anna Harold won bans trans women from competing.
The Real Scandal in Trans Youth Healthcare
Activists are claiming that providing healthcare to transgender youth is a major medical scandal. The real scandal is that some journalists may be buying it.
TWIBS: Adult Human Female Bar Poised to Suck
Thoroughly outraged by transgender women she made up to get mad about, Jenny Watson threatens to open UK’s first “female-only” lesbian pub that trans women could easily sneak into if, in spite of all the bigotry, they wanted to!
No One Ever Said J. K. Rowling Might Be Jailed for Misgendering
A BBC Radio 4 interview was misrepresented in the UK press, then JK Rowling went on a transphobic tear, then Caitlyn Jenner amplified the misinformation, and now we’re doing a story on it.
TWIBS: Gender Crits Come Out AGAINST Nourishing New Life
Is it right or wrong to feed a newborn babe? Two very different answers from the trans community and their opponents on the right.
Interview: Jess O’Thomson on Brianna Ghey and Anti-Trans Media Bias
The murder of a young transgender girl in the UK has created a media feeding frenzy, but the one aspect the press hasn’t focused on is the motive of trans hatred from Brianna’s killers.
Conservative Magazine Wonders Why Women Don’t Accept Transphobia as the New Feminism
Nina Welsch thinks feminism ought to be based in evolutionary psychology.
News of Youth Suicides Devastate the Trans Community. Is Anyone Listening?
Viral stories of tragedy are what the cis mainstream wants. For the trans community these stories take a deep emotional toll, and it’s not clear if they will have a broader impact.
Gender Ideology Does Not Exist
Andrew Boff is right. There's no such thing as gender ideology, there's just people who are trans.
Souped Woman Sued By Soup Co.
The soup just keeps coming for Posie Parker aka Kellie-Jay Keen aka Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull.
Fox News Quick to Amplify Misinformation on Scottish Trans Rights Bill
Contrary to Fox’s propaganda, the bill does not impact women’s sports teams, prisons, bathrooms, changing rooms, or safety in any way.
Extremists Become Heroes in Right Wing News
Kellie-Jay Keen, who has been repeatedly harassed trans women, is hailed by the right wing outlet, while trans protesters are portrayed as dangerous.
FL: How Propagandists Report on Blocker Ban
A case study in the misinformation and bias that infects coverage of major news events impacting the trans community.