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TWIBS: Right-Wing Media Lies About Trans Athlete, As Usual
After competing the only way she’s allowed to, Sadie Schreiner is once more being hounded by right-wing “journalists” trying to create something from nothing in pursuit of a nonstop culture war against trans people. Par for the course, I suppose!
TWIBS: Laurel Libby Censured After “Reprehensible” Behavior
Maine House Rep Laurel Libby (R) has been censured, or prohibited from speaking on the floor of the House or voting, until she apologizes for posting pictures of and dead naming a trans minor in a viral Facebook post.
NCAA Cowardly Kowtows to Crooked Trump
As has become customary among household name organizations, the NCAA has given in to Trump’s demands about trans student-athletes just as quickly as they possibly could.
Congress Tries for Nationwide Ban on Trans Athletes
Following through on their promise to make transphobia the number one focus of legislation moving forward, one of the chambers of Congress has passed a bill that would remove federal protections against discrimination for trans students.