Daily coverage of anti-trans propaganda
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TWIBS: Rowling’s Crusade Targets Cis Women
Obsessing over trans people the way Rowling does has its drawbacks! For a woman who insists trans women are men, she can’t seem to tell the difference between cis women and trans women… oops!
Conservative Outrage Machine is Angry That a Nonbinary Person Exists in Sports
Competing as your sex assigned at birth is not enough for conservatives. A track runner, assigned female at birth, is accused by conservatives of being a man simply due to their non-binary identity.
New World Sailing Guidelines Ban Most Trans Women
New participation guidelines published by World Sailing mirror de facto bans on trans women participating in competitive sailing, a move sure to harm cisgender competitors and the sport as a whole.
TWIBS: Come Hell or High Water I Will Find Trans Joy
Forget the Cass Review for five minutes! I don’t care how bleak the week is, I’ll find something we can all be happy about.
TWIBS: Lia Thomas Fights Back Against Olympic Trans Ban
The swimmer is arguing the rules that prevent her and other trans women from competing are discriminatory.