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Kellie-Jay Keen Says Disgust Reflex Good
Known anti-feminist, anti-trans activist Kellie-Jay Keen (or perhaps Posie Parker?) has come out in support of… “rejecting” things that are “gross”? What does Keen think is gross? And what sort of rejection does she have in mind?
Souped Woman Sued By Soup Co.
The soup just keeps coming for Posie Parker aka Kellie-Jay Keen aka Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull.
J. K. Rowling Tweets Support for Activist Embroiled in Nazi Controversy
Kellie-Jay Keen has been the center of controversy over the Nazi presence at her Australian rallies for several days. Today, author J. K. Rowling showed her support for the embattled Keen.
Extremists Become Heroes in Right Wing News
Kellie-Jay Keen, who has been repeatedly harassed trans women, is hailed by the right wing outlet, while trans protesters are portrayed as dangerous.