Daily coverage of anti-trans propaganda
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Leading Off: Protests and Court Challenges Swell, as Gender Care Is Affirmed
Will Trump obey the courts? Cass is getting lonelier by the moment. And the Germans warn about travel to the U.S. The leading story lines as the week begins.
Cass vs France
The French Society of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology commissioned its own version of the Cass Review, unsurprisingly it almost completely contradicts Cass.
In the UK, Trans Youth Left Out in the Cold by Labour Government
Youth activists camped out at the office of Wes Streeting, the Labour MP who recently decided to make permanent a ban on puberty blockers outside of a state-sanctioned research study, denying any hope of evidence-based treatment to youth with gender dysphoria under the age of 16.
Jack Turban – A Life on the Frontlines
Assigned Media interviews Jack Turban, Director of the Gender Psychiatry Program at the University of California.
TransActual Publishes Open Letter About Cass Report
UK trans rights organization TransActual has published an open letter, with an impressive number of signatures from experts in the field of gender-affirming care, demanding that the UK government stop implementing the draconian suggestions of the Cass Report.
TWIBS: Cass Receives Peerage for Bad Science
It appears the second most vile transphobe in Britain has been rewarded for her evil maneuvers with… nobility? Sure. Sick. Cool!
Cass Speaks at Secretive Conference
Dr. Hilary Cass is at it again! Again… again… again… and this time a hero got her on tape telling a bunch of weird lies at a cozy little transphobic presentation!
Hilary Cass Repeats Transphobic Talking Points, Again
Ding ding! Round… uh, I lost count, actually. Dr. Hilary Cass, author of the reviled Cass Report, has yet again found herself saying a bunch of silly things and running back all the classic anti-trans activist arguments for a journalist. What fun!
Clippings: May 2024
A roundup of trans news from the month of May 2024 featuring art by Piper Bly.
WPATH and USPATH Trash Talk the Cass Review
A response highlighted the lack of expertise involved in the Cass Review, the lack of evidence for many of the claims, and the lack of any new information that might change the picture of gender-affirming care.
The Cass Review Buried Trans Youth Perspectives
We got into the weeds on the Cass Review website to surface the youth perspectives ignored by a Report that will further limit options for gender dysphoric youth in England.
TWIBS: Cass Says Porn Makes You Trans
Bloviating good-for-nothing unqualified annoyance Dr. Hilary Cass confidently declares exposure to porn might be making trans boys trans! As usual, she prefers theories without even a shred of evidence.
Ben Ryan Rages at Me on Twitter
Instead of looking into the glut of research that doesn’t fit his confirmation bias, Ben Ryan is angrily asserting that he’s an industry pro after I dared to question his venerated Washington Post piece.
Ben Ryan Rages at Trans Women on Twitter
Instead of angrily asserting that he’s an industry pro any time a trans woman dares to question his venerated “Washington Post” piece, Benjamin Ryan might do better looking into the glut of research that doesn’t fit his confirmation bias.
Methods Change Raises New Questions of Bias in Cass Review
Questions surround changes to the methodology of several systematic reviews of gender-affirming treatments for minors by York University.
Misinformation Rampant in Press Coverage of Cass Review
Right-wing media has repeatedly shared false and misleading claims about the findings presented in the Final Report of the Cass Review.
62-year-old Cisgender Man Declares Hilary Cass Empathetic
David Brooks is not qualified to judge this, or anything else, about transgender healthcare.
What’s in the Cass Report?
The final report of the Cass Review of gender-affirming care for youth is being taken as vindication from anti-trans activists.