PA: Students Burn Michael Knowles’ Dumb Cardboard Face

Protests are back, and they are glorious.

by Evan Urquhart

An outpouring of rage at right wing extremism and support for trans rights was all that lay in store when eliminationist Michael Knowles and Brad Polumbo visited the University of Pittsburgh at the behest of a Republican student group. On the agenda was a discussion of the particulars of Knowles’s scheme to “eradicate transgenderism from public life”.

Students outside the event were so loud that cries of “Trans Rights Are Human Rights” could be heard clearly inside the venue, disrupting and at times drowning out the right wing hatred found therein, according to video captured from inside the room.

Rhetoric such as Knowles’ was once considered far beyond the pale but has been increasingly normalized in the Republican party in recent years.

Right wing news reports have sought to make the protests sound bad, instead of badass, but, well, just judge for yourself:

screenshot from Fox News

Love that energy, kids!


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