Update: Josh Seiter More Horrible Than Previously Believed
He’s back, and by the time you finish this article, you’ll wish he wasn’t.
What a glow up! (From Alex Novell’s YouTube video “I tricked Josh Seiter into an interview with The Daily Wire”)
Humor by Alyssa Steinsiek
Hey, you guys remember when I wrote about Josh Seiter and his bizarre adventures in gender a few weeks ago? Long story short, Seiter is primarily famous for being a week one Bachelorette contestant several years ago, and nothing else but pitiable drama meant to catapult him into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Most recently, Seiter has been honing his craft as a performer by badly pretending to come out and live as a transgender woman. Like the majority of annoying rank and file goons trying their hardest to join the culture wars as soulless profiteers, he’s both obtuse and mostly unsuccessful.
Until, that is, Josh Seiter landed an interview with The Daily Wire themselves. Yes, Matt Walsh nightmare zone and producers of churlish faux-documentary What is a Woman? and follow up racist mockumentary Am I Racist? recognized Seiter’s latent talents as a “political activist” and “provocateur” (his words) and reached out to interview him.
Or, well… so he thought.
In reality, Seiter was contacted by YouTube funny man and trickster Alex Novell, who released the full interview on his YouTube channel last Saturday. I haven’t watched a ton of Novell’s work myself so I can’t speak to its usual purpose or tone, but I will say that determining Novell’s intentions in emailing for an interview (where he falsely claimed to be producing a documentary hand-in-hand with The Daily Wire) truly could not have been easier, since the second most popular video on his channel by nearly 100,000 views as of this moment is titled “I tricked The Daily Wire into hiring a leftist.”
I guess that JD that Josh allegedly earned failed to instill any critical thinking or research skills in his big ol’ noggin.
Novell’s interview with Seiter is, honestly, kind of difficult to watch. Excluding preamble, some explainer segments and an epilogue, the actual interview is about ten minutes of the most cringe-inducing behavior I’ve seen all year.
Seiter greets Novell and company at the door to his one bedroom apartment where he keeps his cat, jug of whey protein and two or three dozen dresses already dolled up. He’s wearing some light makeup and a very gauche ‘50s hausfrau dress that might even look cute on somebody who wasn’t trying so hard to be obnoxious, and Novell asks him some softball questions that give Seiter the chance to be as ravenously transphobic as possible, ranting about “transing kids” and other gross nonsense you’ve surely come to expect from anybody trying to make a career out of their bigotry.
Seiter shows off his closet, which very suspiciously contains about twice as much feminine clothing than masculine clothing, then leads Novell to his kitchen counter where he has put on display a glut of completely random makeup and beauty products. He introduces Novell to Oliver, his cat who he says has “gender dysphoria by proxy,” a lame joke that unfortunately made me snort. Who says they’ve only got one joke, huh?
The back third of the interview is when things, against all the odds, take a turn for the worse. I haven’t brought it up yet because it’s both jarring and uncomfortable to look at, but around the middle of November, Seiter took a bold step from transphobia towards racism by tweeting a selfie in which he looks spectacularly white asking, “Am I a valid black man?”
Please make it stop. (From Alex Novell’s YouTube video “I tricked Josh Seiter into an interview with The Daily Wire”)
Tough luck for Seiter, though, because Atlanta did a much funnier transracial bit almost a decade ago.
Seiter, while badly pretending to be a black man, suggests that the police don’t overpolice marginalized communities (they do) and declares that fried chicken and Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are his favorite foods. When asked if he would have sex with a trans woman, Seiter says “that’s nasty” because “trans women are just trans-identified men who have gender dysphoria and are mentally ill,” which is a somewhat surprising stance from a guy who once dated a trans woman and faked his own death when she dumped him.
Novell then hits Seiter with some very blatant bait by asking, “Since you’re a black man now, should you be allowed to say the N word?” after which the buffoon in question immediately makes the most unforced error of all time by saying the N word four times in thirty seconds. Seiter caps off the interview by saying he has a meeting at “the welfare office,” disappearing into his bedroom with one more N word muttered under his breath.
A few days later, when Seiter realized he had been bamboozled, he began tweeting and editing and deleting various defenses of his behavior, finally culminating in presumably doctored screenshots of inexplicable death threats from Novell. Nobody seems particularly heartbroken for Seiter’s predicament, besides Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing, who tweeted out a dressed up “sucks to suck.”
I don’t know what’s next for this juiced up chump, but frankly, I’m here for it. Unlike the illustrious TikTok user who told Seiter to seek help, I actually want him to get worse and film it.
Alyssa Steinsiek is a professional writer who spends too much time playing video games!