Know Your Propagandist: Australia’s Michael Cook
Michael Cook
Perusing anti-trans headlines today, two websites hosting extreme transphobic propaganda came to our attention, both with the same author name. The sites are MercatorNet and BioEdge, and both purport to cover bioethics. We won’t link out to them, but they’re not hard to find.
It turns out these sites are both projects of Australian Micheal Cook, who described himself to an Australian Catholic Tabloid, as a bioethics journalist. While our focus is on the US, and Cook is an Australian, he seems to extensively cover and comment on events that happen in the US. His writing on trans issues is viciously transphobic, and he seems to have little regard for the truth. We expect we may see him again.
For a sample of Cook’s perspective, here’s a screenshot from his interview with Catholic Weekly (linked above), where he discusses his hatred of bodily autonomy.