FOX News Shocked to Find Out LGBTQ+ Safer Sex Experts and Advocates Appointed to HIV Council

A bizarre story apparently takes issue with advocates for safer sex from the LGBTQ+ community being appointed to a council that advises the president on HIV and AIDS.

by Evan Urquhart

a banana with a condom on it

Fox News has discovered what sort of people are appointed to HIV advisory bodies, and are apparently not happy to find out that it’s queer people who have spent their careers advocating for safer sex in the LGBTQ+ community. The right wing “news” outlet reports that one of the appointees to the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS “worked for the Human Rights Campaign as the director of the group’s Community Engagement for the Transgender Justice Initiative.” Another appeared on a local radio show with a provacative segment name:

Other members did equally shocking things. For example, one has worked on sex education programs for youth. Another held a job with Planned Parenthood before becoming the president of an organization committed to fighting AIDS in the Black community. One even worked for an organization which has hosted Drag Queen Story Hour events!

A mildly humerous apect of this story is the Biden administration’s official response. Apparently they sent FOX a picture of a shirt with the words “Uncle Sam doesn't care, snowflakes” printed on it. Good on ol’ Brandon for treating this non-story with the respect it so richly deserves!

Evan Urquhart

Evan Urquhart is a journalist whose work has appeared in Slate, Vanity Fair, the Atlantic, and many other outlets. He’s also transgender, and the creator of Assigned Media.


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