Former Patient Directly Refutes St. Louis Whistleblower’s Allegations

A student newspaper for Washington University quoted a former patient at the besieged Washington University Transgender Center in St. Louis as saying six months of therapy, among other requirements, were necessary before starting hormone therapy.

by Evan Urquhart

a referee in customary black and white stripes, pictured from behind, one arm outstretched and pointing to the left

A former patient at the St. Louis clinic where Jamie Reed once worked as a case manager has come forward to describe his experience. The account directly contradicts Reed’s, casting further doubt on a story which had already been shown to contain clear inaccuracies about the specifics of gender affirming treatment.

Chris Harvey, a former patient of the center and current freshman at Washington University in St. Louis, told his school paper, Student Life, that his experiences with the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital directly contradicted the tale told by Reed, who once worked doing record keeping and intakes for the Transgender Center. Harvey explained a minimum of 6 months of weekly therapy was required before a therapist was allowed to recommend further treatment. Even then, that wasn’t all the Transgender Center required.

In addition to having appointments at the Center, Harvey's pediatrician had to write a letter confirming that his gender dysphoria has been present throughout his life. Over a year after his initial appointment Harvet underwent another evaluation.

screenshot from Student Life

This year-plus long process stands in stark contrast to the picture painted by Reed, which more and more people are suspecting of being extremely distorted, if not an outright fabrication by Reed.

To begin transitioning [patients] needed a letter of support from a therapist who they had to see only once or twice. The next step was a sngle visit to the endocrinologist for a testosterone prescription.

screenshot from the Free Press

It’s important to note that Reed misgendered the patients she had once worked with throughout her account, and she focused much of her attention on trans boys, who she referred to as teenage girls. Therefore it is relevant that Chris Harvey is a trans man. Harvey, who was first evaluated by the Center at 14, is very much the sort of patient Reed was describing as a teenage “girl” who should never have been allowed to recieve treatment.

Even when Reed’s story first came out it seemed fairly implausible. The student journalists at Student Life are to be applauded for tracking down the account of a former patient, but more outlets ought to be digging for the evidence to refute—or support—Reed’s allegations, which appeared in an outlet, Bari Weiss’ Free Press, that does not engage in a thorough fact checking process to substantiate its stories.

Evan Urquhart

Evan Urquhart is a journalist whose work has appeared in Slate, Vanity Fair, the Atlantic, and many other outlets. He’s also transgender, and the creator of Assigned Media.


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