Elon Musk Reveals Why He’s a Transphobe


In a candid chat with disgraced professor and meat coma weirdo Jordan Peterson, owner of Twitter (formerly X) Elon Musk just comes out and admits he’s a transphobe because he was spurned by his trans daughter. You know… in so many words.


Opinion by Alyssa Steinsiek

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade or so, you almost certainly know who Elon Musk is. Silver spoon heir to a Zambian emerald mine, possible car company thief and ruiner of Twitter, Musk is a well known and thoroughly reviled businessman. In his personal life, Elon Musk is best known for craving the approval of strangers on the internet while, tragically, being deeply unfunny; being an absolutely terrible husband; and fathering a small army with a bunch of different women. One of them was Grimes, the dumbest woman on earth!

Given how obnoxious Musk is, it’s no surprise that his kids carry names like Saxon, Azure, Strider, Exa Dark Sideræl, Techno Mechanicus, and perhaps most famously, X Æ A-Xii. I am an anti-carceral abolitionist, but I must insist that giving your children these names should be a crime, and everybody involved must be punished for it.

And given Musk’s long and storied history of being a transphobic dipshit, it’s no surprise that one of his eldest children would want to separate herself completely from him and his creepy little dynasty. In 2022, Musk’s transgender daughter Vivian filed in court to take her mother’s surname, have her gender recognized and her birth certificate reissued, stating, “I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form.”

Now, Musk is publicly claiming that he was “tricked into signing documents,” presumably approving of Vivian’s name change and gender recognition. We won’t link to the video here, because Musk brazenly deadnames and misgenders his daughter throughout, but he’s made it very clear just how deep down the transphobia rabbit hole he’s gone.

Talking to Jordan Peterson, St. Petersburg detox coma survivor who apparently only eats beef because he’s hollow between the ears, Musk says that he was told his daughter “might commit suicide” if she wasn’t allowed to transition. This sends Peterson, who has built an entire career out of being a transphobe himself, into an apoplectic fit. Of trans youth suicides, he claims “no reliable clinician ever believed that, there was never any evidence for that,” in spite of well documented and longstanding elevated rates of suicidal attempts and suicide in the trans community as a result of harassment, discrimination and violence.

Peterson suggests that “every Goddamn clinician knows that … and they’re too cowardly to come out and say it,” proposing a mass conspiracy theory among every major medical association in America. Meanwhile, Musk describes transition as “incredibly evil,” and says that “people who have been promoting this should go to prison.”

Concurring with his vile interview partner, Peterson says, “It won’t stop until that happens, it’ll just go underground.” He falsely insists that puberty blockers are being accessed by children online, through “non-medical channels.” It’s worth mentioning that the most common puberty blocking medicines are Goserelin, Histrelin, Leuprolide and Triptorelin. Goserelin and Histrelin are implants placed under the skin, while Leuprolide and Triptorelin are injectable medications that cost hundreds of dollars uninsured.

Where these trans twelve year olds are getting the cash and the medical knowhow to make use of these black market puberty blockers, I simply cannot guess.

Musk says next that puberty blockers are “just sterilization drugs,” which is so deeply untrue it’s remarkable (and a shame) that his pants didn’t burst into flames. There is absolutely no evidence that puberty blockers affect fertility in those who take them, and we’ve been prescribing them to cisgender kids for precocious puberty since 1981 without issue. I guess it’s no surprise that a guy this obsessed with being fruitful and multiplying would be terrified at the idea of somebody choosing infertility and happiness over fertility and misery.

He closes out by saying that he “lost his [daughter], essentially,” and goes on some diatribe about a word he probably just learned, “dead naming.” He says we use the term to mean that those who transition are dead, “killed by the woke mind virus.”

Fuck this guy, and fuck anybody who believes him.

It’s called your dead name because it’s the false name they would have buried you under had you not transitioned. The name that they may still bury you under if you don’t have the time and money necessary to pursue a name change. Don’t let this putz fool you, he doesn’t know the first thing about us, and he doesn’t want to. For a narcissistic scumbag like Musk, all he cares about is the blow his pride took when one of his kids thoroughly rejected him.

Your daughter isn’t dead, Elon. She’s alive, happy and thriving without you.

Alyssa Steinsiek is a professional writer who spends too much time playing video games!


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