TX: The Thin Line Between Grifter and Extremist

Jeff Younger is on a crusade to force his transgender daughter to be a son. Is he simply an abusive, hateful person or is he in it for the money?

by Evan Urquhart

a texas longhorn staring directly at the camera

Far right loon website the Epoch Times yesterday ran an article by Darlene McCormick Sanchez about the appearace of a failed candidate for the Texas house of representatives at the Patriarch Convention, an MRA convention recently held in Florida which pushed the usual transparently overcompensating tripe about dominance, alpha males, anti-feminism, etc.

Jeff Younger lost custody and even unsupervised visitation with his two children because of the extreme measures he took to try and force his daughter, Luna, to present as a boy by forcing her into boys’ clothes and cutting her hair in a military style. He subsequently ran for state office, lost, and now appears to be milking the fascist arm of the far right for speaking engagements, most likely with an eye on future runs.

But in the far right Epoch Times, his abuse towards his own trans child is portrayed sympathetically.

The article also provided insights into the tactics conservatives are pursuing in their culture war battles.

Our own observation of the right wing media ecosystem suggests that Younger, while he may not at present be a major player in the right wing culture war movement, has accurately described the landscape he’s working within, and the reasons for it.


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