Daily coverage of anti-trans propaganda
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Washington Post Buries Trans Response to Inaccurate Anti-Trans Op-Ed
Mira Lazine wrote that an offensive op-ed opposing trans medical care by a gay man made major errors in its interpretation of the history of the gay rights movement and the APA.
J. K. Rowling Is Officially Too Toxic to Defend
Elon Musk, Jonathan Chait, and Debbie Hayton are among the diverse figures distancing themselves from Rowling’s increasingly open hostility to trans women.
TWIBS: Cass Says Porn Makes You Trans
Bloviating good-for-nothing unqualified annoyance Dr. Hilary Cass confidently declares exposure to porn might be making trans boys trans! As usual, she prefers theories without even a shred of evidence.
AI List Explains Disagreements Between Feminism and Trans Activism
An unusual use for artificial intelligence.
ME: Anti-Trans Lawsuit Dismissed, Trans Boy Remains Isolated in Homeschooling
The good news is that a federal judge dismissed an anti-trans mom’s lawsuit against a school counselor who supported her trans son. The bad news is that the boy remains in homeschooling with his anti-trans mom.
Ben Ryan Rages at Me on Twitter
Instead of looking into the glut of research that doesn’t fit his confirmation bias, Ben Ryan is angrily asserting that he’s an industry pro after I dared to question his venerated Washington Post piece.
Ben Ryan Rages at Trans Women on Twitter
Instead of angrily asserting that he’s an industry pro any time a trans woman dares to question his venerated “Washington Post” piece, Benjamin Ryan might do better looking into the glut of research that doesn’t fit his confirmation bias.
TWIBS: Major Leaks in Bathroom Bills
Fear, hurt, confusion are the feelings of the month at Utah public schools where trans students are now forced to use the wrong bathrooms or run afoul of the law.
Methods Change Raises New Questions of Bias in Cass Review
Questions surround changes to the methodology of several systematic reviews of gender-affirming treatments for minors by York University.
Detransitioner Soren Aldaco Must Pay $40,000 for Frivolous Lawsuit
The detransitioner, who has chosen to manager her dysphoria with mindfulness, had the lawsuit against her former HRT providers dismissed with prejudice.
Southern States Sue over Civil Rights Victory
LGBTQ+ students across America won a significant civil rights victory when the Department of Education published updates to the Title IX law earlier this month, but culture war conservatives are angrier than they’ve ever been.
NYT Won’t Be Correcting the Name of Deceased Trans Conjoined Twin
Despite pressure from GLAAD, the NYT resisted efforts to update their obituary for Lori and George Schappell to remove repeated uses of a previously used female name for George.
Misinformation Rampant in Press Coverage of Cass Review
Right-wing media has repeatedly shared false and misleading claims about the findings presented in the Final Report of the Cass Review.
TWIBS: Jillian Michaels Hates Science!
Award-winning quack and lawsuit queen Jillian Michaels, former “The Biggest Loser” fat people torturer, has thrown in her lot with the anti-trans activists! But it turns out she’s working from faulty knowledge…
Politico Offers Rare Peek Behind the NYT Curtain
A story in Politico on tensions between the Biden administration and the New York Times contains intriguing hints about A. G. Sulzberger’s role in shaping coverage of Biden and, perhaps, transgender issues.
Study Finds Employers Discriminate Against They/Them Pronouns
A new study looked at job applicants who included pronouns with their information and found those who used they/them pronouns were discriminated against.
What’s Up With Chloe Cole’s Lawsuit?
Checking in on the most famous detransitioner’s lawsuit against the Kaiser Permanente providers who once treated her gender dysphoria with transition care.
62-year-old Cisgender Man Declares Hilary Cass Empathetic
David Brooks is not qualified to judge this, or anything else, about transgender healthcare.
TWIBS: JK Rowling Will See You in Court
For how much Rowling and her Gender Critical ghoulies say they just want to “call a spade a spade,” they sure do get angry if you point out that she’s a Holocaust denier!
In Defense of the Medical Model for Trans Healthcare
Andrea Long Chu thinks libertarianism will save the trans community. That’s bonkers.